Wednesday, September 29, 2010

tiny lungs - (II)

within months of recording their first e.p., tiny lungs returned with their second five song e.p. appropriately titled 'II' just in time for their full u.s. tour with jason clackley. picking up immediately where the self titled left off, the band starts off with "dead wives"which has one of the catchiest guitar lines i've heard in a while. upon first listen, you can already tell the songwriting is improving. the second song, "randsom st." ends with justin screaming out, "all we are is what we have," and one can't help but sing along. though my favorite line comes from "appropriately jeaslous" where justin sings, "you cover all the silent ways we speak/i'm aging like your fashion magazines." this e.p. is a quicker listen coming in at a little over eleven minutes, but it's just as good if not better than the self titled. do you self a favor and check this out.

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