Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Slingshot Reviews The Stowaways Issue #15

The Stowaways #15 ($2)
by Christopher Gordon
5082 Wendover Road
Yorba Linda, CA 92886

The Stowaways is a great punk zine because it's written by someone who goes to a fuckload of shows, so almost any DIY-minded (not necessarily just punk) band that passes through the Orange County / Los Angeles area has at least a passing chance at getting a show review. Unfortunately, the reviews aren't always very comprehensive (one act, for example, is acerbically dismissed as a 'fucking stupid band' with no further explanation), but the author's enthusiasm about the bands he loves often makes up for it. The zine also includes interviews with Elliot Babin (Dad Punchers, DNF, Touche Amore) and Kris Westreich (Collosal Wrecks) which was totally readable but sometimes suffered from Awkward-First-Date-itis (e.g. "Do you have any other siblings?") and a pleasantly incisive editorial about racism in the punk scene. I'll definitely be around for #16 (x.lenc) 

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