this is the most i've liked the henry clay people since the working part time e.p. that was three years ago. this release is a very spring release. just like working part time brings about memories from spring '08 this will very much do the same for spring 2011. 'the honey love he sells' reminds me of sorry ma era replacements. 'california wildfire' is as good as it gets for thcp. if only we could get an album full of the 'little Rn(s)' 'social scientology(s)' 'double dutch(es)' 'fine print(s)' 'the taste of the tasteless(es)' and the 'slow burn(s)' we'd have a perfect album; this song fits with those. they're all great. in a recent interview joey siarra said something to the effect that when they record they end up with records full of 6's and 8's and that he was going to shoot for more 2's and 10's. if that's the case than 'winter song' is a 2 and so is 'it isn't the waiting'. it's nice to hear andy's voice on the record. this is great release. i hope the next full length is this good, or maybe the e.p. is just the format that they should stick to for releasing music. i'm not sure.
joey said, " I think a lot of bands/artists treat the EP as just little place holder. Don't forget about us. Save the date. I still romanticize the idea of a full-length album above all else. I hope everyone else does too. But I do see EPs as having a lot of potential to "make a statement" especially if the statement is a stylistic shift. "
at this point in time, the henry clay people have released five full lengths, two e.p.'s, a live album, and have a back catalogue of unreleased material that unfortunately will never be heard by most. with well over 120 recorded songs under their belt, anything they put out is going to sound like "THE HENRY CLAY PEOPLE." for this reason, This is a Desert doesn't sound like a stylistic shift as just straight up better songs. therefore, we can only hope they keep releasing better songs.
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